3-D Modeling & User Interface Visual Design

After low fidelity prototype user testing we then moved to creating high fidelity protypes. This involved creating & printing 3D models as well as adding visual designs to the final wireframes. 

Designer Colin Beney creating a final 3-D model in Solidworks.

Designer Colin Beney creating a final 3-D model in Solidworks.

Designer Colin Beney creating a final 3-D model in Solidworks.

Designer Ryan Brownhill adding the final visual design to wireframes.

Designer Ryan Brownhill ideating styles for interface elements. 

Designer Ryan Brownhill ideating styles for interface elements. 

Designer Ryan Brownhill adding the final visual design to wireframes.

3-D Printed Prototype

Designer Colin Beney wet sanding the 3-D printed prototype.

Designer Colin Beney sanding the 3-D printed prototype.

Designer Colin Beney sanding the 3-D printed prototype.

Designer Colin Beney spray-painting the 3-D printed prototype.

Final 3-D Print
